Best Man Speech for Brother/Sister/Friend 2023

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Best Man Speech 2023. Short best man speeches. Best man speech for brother. Best man speech examples friend. Last minute best man speech. Best man speech opening lines. Funny best man speeches for best friend. Best man speech for dad. Best man speech length

Best man speech – examples & tips

The best man’s speech is part of a wedding and can round off a wonderful evening for the bridal couple. When all the wedding guests are at the tables, the wedding speeches are a highlight. 

They are a beautiful way for the bride and groom’s family and friends to summarize the meaning of the day for the wedding party. 

In any case, the task of the best man’s speech is to tell things that have been experienced together and even to divulge embarrassing stories about the bride and groom.

 It’s nice when witnesses make family and friends laugh in their speeches. And they also give the bridal couple congratulations and maybe some advice along the way.

One part of the family, usually father or mother, gives a speech at the wedding and welcomes the son-in-law or daughter-in-law into the family. And of course the groomsmen, since they are most likely the bride and groom’s best friends , say a few words to the bride and groom and wedding guests in the groomsmen speech.

Best man speech

Speech practice

When practicing the speech , you will certainly quickly notice where there are still problems, what you find difficult to formulate and where the speech may be too long. When you have a draft that you’re happy with, be sure to share your speech with a few more friends. 

They can give you tips and feedback. You’ll also practice speaking in front of an audience, so if you’re nervous before the groomsman speech (and who isn’t!), then such a test run will give you security and confidence.

You can also practice writing security . Of course, you can read parts of the speech from slips of paper and definitely take them with you. But it is nicer for the audience if you speak as freely as possible. It is better to make the best man’s speech a little shorter and speak freely than to read from the paper for too long.

Best man speech

We have written an example of a best man’s speech for you here.

Dear bridal couple Beate and Christian, dear parents of the bride, dear wedding party,

My name is Mantasha Hassan, I am the bride’s sister and I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to the bridal couple. 

When we were getting ready for the wedding and my sister told me that I should give a speech at your wedding, I thought why not, no problem, I’ll do that with links. I’m allowed to put on a pretty dress that I can choose, what do I care about the rest.

However, when I saw the number of wedding guests, I thought no – no way. No way – not with me. I’m gone. But you know Beate, she gets what she wants, and that’s why I’m standing here now and have the honor of telling a few truths about Beate.

When I first thought about which memories I definitely have to share with you here with Beate, I immediately thought of our camping trips together with our parents and the long time we had to share the tent. 

Even as sisters you rarely get as close as you do in a tent and I have to say, dear Christian, if you are going to travel with a backpack and tent in August – get ready. Beate snores like a bear in the great outdoors and her feet, well, maybe you already know about that. 

The place I don’t like giving up is next to Beate in the bumper car. There isn’t a big sister in the world more passionate about bumper cars yelling at terrified little boys as they drive their little sister into the parade. 

In other respects, too, I rarely had to speak up for myself, Beate was known at school for supporting the soccer team with a lot of passion and fire in her voice. 

When she finally came of age and I was allowed to “borrow” her ID on Friday evenings, she was always there for me at the entrance and involved the bouncer in an intensive discussion about the current political situation so that I could get through the door unhindered. A big sister with a high school diploma in  politics, math and sports helps in many situations. 

In general, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me, how much I have learned from you and how much I look forward to being able to tell your children everything about their mother. And I mean everything. 

Dear Christian, on behalf of my family I would like to give you a warm welcome to the Mustermanns, we are better than our reputation and you won’t be able to get rid of us anytime soon anyway. And as far as Beate is concerned, I’ll give you one piece of advice for the future: Think about saying the three most important words every day: You’re right.

Cheers to your wedding and to many happy years together! On you!

Maid of Honor Speech for Brother/Sister/Best Friend

Short best man speech

If you want to give a classic, short best man speech, then follow the structure described above with an introduction, main part and conclusion. Such a speech should never be longer than about 5 minutes anyway, because then you will slowly lose the attention of the guests. The time stamp is therefore a good guide when writing and practicing the best man speech. And it can also be created for inexperienced public speakers.

If you are giving an original best man speech, showing photos to the wedding party via beamer or playing music, then you are welcome to extend the speech by about 5-10 minutes. You should definitely keep an eye on the 15 minute mark ! Finally, several speeches are held and it is supposed to be drunk and eaten.

Best friend best man speech

Of course, the bride’s best friend can give a great speech as she has an incredible treasure trove of shared memories of the bride and bride and groom. You should use these reminders when writing the speech to use. 

Write down whatever anecdotes you can think of and collect material on them. Do you have funny photos for your stories? If so, which memories have the funniest photos? 

What characterizes the friendship with the bride, how is the time with her, how did she meet her future partner, what were your first impressions of the relationship and how has it changed: does she do things differently now?

 Is she interested in the same things as your new husband? Do you have any advice for the new groom? You can summarize all of this and decide on the funniest details. 

At the end, you send her off on married life with congratulations and a toast with the assembled wedding party.

Groomsman speech funny

A fun and original groomsman speech requires two things. Sometimes you need funny stories and an original idea. You also need a speaker who likes to give funny speeches in front of an audience. 

You can probably judge yourself best: Does it suit you to make people laugh? Do you have a talent or just enjoy rapping a song or making a video, for example, and also the preparation time it takes to put together such an unusual speech? Then that’s a great idea!

You don’t have a musical streak and maybe you don’t like being on stage that much, but you still want to make the wedding party laugh and smile with a successful best man’s speech? Then stick to the structure of the best man speech as described in the text above. 

Count on the bridal party and bride and groom to laugh as you share hilarious and wacky anecdotes from your past together, or chit-chat about the bride and groom out of the box! 

These stories are the real heart of the best man speech and always make a good and funny speech at the wedding.

Best Man Speech Sister

The nice thing about the sister’s best man speech is that she knows the bride or groom particularly well. This gives you a large pool of shared memories and photos and stories that are available to you for the composition of the best man’s speech.

 A childhood or teenage memory or two is definitely worth mentioning. These shouldn’t be hard for any sister to find.

But the sister’s best man speech is of course particularly emotional. Because you share a common family, which is now getting a new family member. 

You can welcome the bride or groom into the family and on the other hand you can take the opportunity to tell your sister what she means to you and how much you have learned from her. But beware: it is best to have handkerchiefs ready!


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Maid of Honor Speech