Childrens Day Speech in English | Speech on children’s Day in English

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Childrens Day Speech 

Short speech on children’s day 

Here we are providing an ideal speech on children’s day. The speech on Children’s Day we have given is very simple and written in short sentences. By using this type of speech, students can easily deliver a speech during any program organized in their school.

Speech 1…

Good morning to the Principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends. We all have gathered here to celebrate the celebration of children’s Day.

Today, on the occasion of Children’s Day, I want to present my thoughts on Children’s Day celebration and importance of children.

I am very grateful to my class teacher who today allowed me to express my views on this auspicious occasion to all of you.

Children’s Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries, however, it is celebrated every year in India on the occasion of the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 14 November. November 14 is the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, which is celebrated every year as Children’s Day all over India.

Whereas, 1 June is celebrated as International Children’s Day and on 20 November as Universal Children’s Day.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru loved children very much. He loved to play and talk with children.

He was the Prime Minister of India, however, while carrying out his political responsibilities towards the country, he preferred to be amongst the children.

He was a very friendly person, always motivating and encouraging children to become patriotic and happy citizens. He was very inspirational and inspired in nature. Children used to call him Chacha Nehru because of his love and affection.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was fond of roses and children throughout his life. Once he said that children are like the buds in the garden. He was very concerned about the condition of the children in the country as he considered children the country’s future.

He wanted the children to be nurtured by their parents with great care and love for the country’s bright future.

He considered children as the real strength of the nation. He loved both girls and boys equally and believed in providing equal opportunities to them for the real development of the nation. The children affectionately called him Chacha Nehru.

After the death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964, his birthday was celebrated as Children’s Day all over India. It is involved in various types of activities like fancy dress competitions, singing competitions, etc. are organized on this day.

Children’s Day Celebration Organization tells the importance of children in building the future of the nation. The objective of organizing this festival is for all the Indian citizens to save their young children from all harm and provide them a better childhood.

Nowadays, children are falling prey to many types of social evils like drug, child abuse, alcohol, sex, labor, violence, etc. They are forced to work hard at a very young age to get a little money.

They are deprived of a healthy life, parental love, education, and other childhood happiness. Children are the invaluable asset of the nation as well as the hope of the future and tomorrow, so they should be given proper care and love.

Now I am going to conclude my speech, thank you all for being here and making this program a success.

~Thank You for listening~

Speech 2…

Speech on Children’s Day 

Childrens Day Speech

Long and Short Children day speech for students 

Good morning to the Principal, respected teachers, and my dear Friends.

Today we all have gathered here to celebrate Children’s Day.

Happy Children’s Day to all my teachers, dear friends, and my classmates.

Why is the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru celebrated as Children’s Day? I want to share my thoughts on this with all of you.

In the United Nations Assembly, 20 November was officially declared as Children’s Day, but in India, Children’s Day is celebrated on 14th November as the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday was chosen to be celebrated as Children’s Day because of his love, affection and affection for children. He loved playing and talking with children. He always wanted to be around children. He worked hard for the betterment of children and youth of the country.

Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was very enthusiastic and full of enthusiasm towards children, especially for their welfare, rights, education, and overall reform to make this country a developed nation.

Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was very inspirational and inspired in nature. He always inspired the children to do hard work and acts of bravery.

He was very much concerned about the welfare and health of the children in India, so he worked hard for the children so that they could get some rights from their childhood.

Children called him Chacha Nehru because of his selfless love for children. In 1964, after his death, his birthday was celebrated as Children’s Day across India.

He always loved childhood and always supported proper childhood without any personal, social, national, family and financial responsibility. He was also responsible for the country’s future and the country’s development.

Childhood is the best phase of life which should be healthy and full of happiness for all so that they are ready to lead their nation ahead. If the children are mentally and physically ill, they will not contribute their best for the nation.

Hence the childhood stage is the most important stage in life in which all the parents should nurture their children with love, care, and affection. As citizens of the country, we should understand our responsibilities and save the future of the nation.

To celebrate this day with great enthusiasm, cultural programs and activities are organized in the schools. In the memory of the great Indian leader and because of his love for children, national motivational and encouraging songs are sung by the children, stage shows, dances, short plays etc. are organised.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru always advised the children to be patriotic and patriotic throughout their lives. He always inspired the children to take courage and sacrifice for their motherland.

Now I am going to conclude my speech, thank you all for being here and making this program a success.

~Thank You for listening~

Speech 3…

Childrens Day speech in English

Long and Short Children day Speech in English

Hello hello!!!! Mike testing 1, 2, 3, 4 everyone can hear me ok so let’s get started…

Good morning respected teachers, seniors, and my dear friends,

As you all know that we have gathered here to celebrate Children’s Day.

I want to give a speech on Children’s Day to make this great festival a memorable one for me.

Every year on 14th November, Children’s Day is celebrated in schools and colleges across the country. 14th November is the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru.

His birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day because he loved children very much. He always gave importance to children and he also loved talking to them. He always liked to be surrounded by children. Children used to call him Chacha Nehru because of his love and affection for children.

Children are considered as the foundation brick of any strong nation. Children are small but have the potential to make a positive change in the nation. They are the responsible citizens of tomorrow because the development of the country is in their hands.

Children’s Day celebration also reminds of the rights made for children and whether children are getting benefited from them. Children are the leaders of tomorrow so they need respect, special care, and protection from their parents, teachers, and other family members.

In our nation, children are exploited in many ways by family members, relatives, neighbors, or other strangers. The celebration of Children’s Day reminds the importance of children in the family, society, and the country. Children have certain rights that they must have.

  • They should get proper and good quality education.
  • They should receive special care when they are disabled or sick.
  • They must get healthy food, clean clothes, and protection.
  • They should get proper care and love from family and guardians.
  • They should have a healthy environment to live where they can feel safe at home, school, or other places.

Children’s day is celebrated by organizing a lot of fun and frolic activities like sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama, national song, speech, essay writing, etc.

This is the day on which all restrictions on children are removed and they are allowed to celebrate as per their wish. Quiz competitions or various other types of competitions organized by students and teachers on this occasion like – They are motivated to showcase their abilities by participating in painting competitions, modern dress shows, singing, and cultural events.

Now I am going to conclude my speech, thank you all for being here and making this program a success.

~Thank You for listening~


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