Independence Day Speech 2024 in English

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Independence day speech 2024. Independence day speech in English 2024. independence day 2024 speech in English. Independence day speech 2024 in English. Independence day speech in English 2024 for students. 15th August Speech. Independence day speech for kids.

Independence Day Speech

Short & Long Speech on Independence Day in English

Here we are providing speeches for the students on Independence Day. Students can participate actively in the Independence Day celebration using any given speech. All the speeches for the students are written in very easy and simple language so that he can present his best speech on  Independence Day.

Speech 1…

Independence day speech 2024

Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends,

I am very happy to have the opportunity to express my thoughts on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day. This is our 78th Independence Day celebration. Just 78 years ago, we got independence from the British.

The story of our freedom struggle is very big, and cannot be described in one day. Independence Day is very important for every Indian.

77 years ago, the British ruled India, they came to India on the pretext of trade and gradually took everything under their control and made us their slaves.

Then on 15 August 1947, India became independent after many agitations and battles. Many heroes sacrificed their lives to get freedom for India.

Due to the brave warriors of our country, we have become independent today, and today we celebrate this day to pay tribute to those brave warriors. Independence day is one of the national festivals of India.

Today, while addressing you on this auspicious occasion, I give my hundreds of salutations and tributes to those great souls and end my talk, many thanks to all of you.

Now, I am going to end my speech with these words, thank you So Much.

Jay Hind Jay Bharat


Speech 2…

Independence day speech 2024 in English

Independence day speech

Good morning to all my respected teachers, guardians, and dear friends. 

We have all gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of this Independence Day on 15th August. Many best wishes and congratulations to all of you for this auspicious occasion. Today, on this auspicious occasion, I have got the opportunity to address you all, thank you very much for this.

Friends, as we know that August 15 is a day of honor and pride for every Indian. On 15 August 1947, all our freedom fighters and revolutionaries freed our country from the British Empire by putting their lives at stake. So we celebrate this day historically in his memory and honor. because on this day we got freedom from British rule, which is incomparable.

The British government oppressed the people of India for many years and kept us as slaves. On the 15th of August, we got freedom from the slavery of the British and we became completely independent.

In the relentless pursuit of this freedom, we also lost many great people in our country. Many great people were born in our country who did not even care about their lives for the independence of the country and willingly sacrificed for the country.

The most important contribution to the independence of our country has been made by Mahatma Gandhi, who forced him to leave India by using weapons like truth and non-violence against British rule.

There were many other freedom fighters like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, etc. who contributed to the independence of India and liberated the country from British slavery.

We are very fortunate to have found such great freedom fighters and revolutionaries in history and they liberated not only the country but also the coming generations from the slavery of the British. For this reason, we are free today and we are achieving new achievements day by day.

Today, 76 years after independence, our country is moving towards progress in every field. Our country is writing a new chapter every day in different fields like military strength, education, technology, sports, and many other fields, it is writing a new dimension every day. Today, our military strength is equipped with modern weapons, which have the power to annihilate any enemy in the blink of an eye.

As we know that our country has been an agricultural country since ancient times and after 15 August 1947 our agriculture sector has also changed a lot. After independence, we produce more quantities of crops using new techniques in agriculture and new methods of growing crops, And today our country is at the forefront of exporting grains. In 1965, during the war between India and Pakistan, the then Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan ”Jai Jawan Jai Kisanand today this slogan proves to be quiet.

Today after independence, we have made a lot of progress in the field of science as well. Due to this scientific technique, India has reached the moon and Mars today. By innovating scientific technology every day, we are taking the country towards new progress.

We are adopting science and technology in every field for ourselves. By adopting science and technology in the fields of military, agriculture, and education, we have been able to make ourselves at par with progressive countries. After independence, we have made progress in every field and are writing new dimensions every day.

On this occasion of independence, while we are discussing the new dimensions of the progress of the country, we should never forget the scene of slavery where our great freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Even today, our eyes become moist by remembering those great people. In modern times, we should not forget those great revolutionaries, because today we are living our life freely, the credit goes to these people.

Addressing you today on this auspicious occasion, I end my speech by paying my respects and tributes to those great revolutionaries.

Many thanks to all of you…

Bharat Mata ki Jay… Jay Hind

Speech 3…

Independence day speech : 15th August Long & Short English Speech

Independence day speech for kids

Hello hello!!!! Mike testing 1, 2, 3, 4 everyone can hear me ok so let’s get started…

Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, Honorable teachers and dear colleagues. 

Today, on the occasion of Independence Day, I am feeling very happy to get this opportunity to express my thoughts in front of you, let me tell you about the importance of Independence Day.

Independence Day is a historic festival, 77 years ago today India got independence from the British. India, which had lost its existence, regained its identity. The British came to India and after knowing and examining the environment very carefully, keeping our weaknesses in mind, attacked us and ruled for about two hundred years. Our brave warriors fought many battles and after that we got freedom on 15 August 1947.

Since then till date, we have been celebrating 15th August every year as Independence Day. The flag is hoisted at the Red Fort every year by our Honorable Prime Minister. After this he addresses the country and then some colorful programs are presented. People from far and wide go to Delhi to watch it and those who cannot go watch its live telecast.

Now with this I would like to allow my speech to end and thank you all for giving me this special opportunity to make my point.

I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day on this special occasion.

Bharat Mata ki Jay… Jay Hind

Speech 4…

Independence day speech for students

Hello hello!!!! Mike testing 1, 2, 3, 4 everyone can hear me ok so let’s get started…

My salutations to all the veterans present here and affectionate greetings to the brothers and sisters. On this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, I am expressing my thoughts in a linear way, so that you can understand the poignancy of that era, what was the need that people had to risk their lives, what kind of calamity I felt sorry that people had to make sacrifices, so let me present the main part of my speech in front of you and hope that you all will definitely like it.

How would you understand in this age that what was the fear of losing life,

What would you understand that what was the level of British extortion in this era.

What have you seen, the burning of the entire village overnight.

What a sight you have seen, children dying of hunger.

The land was ours to say, but there was not a morsel of food.

The sun used to rise every day, but there was darkness in every house.

To celebrate the festival of Baisakhi, lamps were lit from house to house.

Those who had gone out to save the country could not return to their homes.

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is called that, in which children and old people all died.

What was the fault of those innocents that had to be sacrificed,

What was the fault of that helpless mother with whom she was angry.

Gradually anger increased, anger rose on everyone’s head.

When Gandhiji started the non-cooperation movement, we also did the Chaura-Chauri incident.

They used to rule us because they considered us helpless.

But we Indians were not afraid of sacrificing our lives for the country.

Dictatorship was enough, now the country had to be got back.

Irrespective of cost, price, punishment, distinction, whatever weapon was to be adopted.

Gandhi ji was patient and said that non-violence has to be adopted.

Made non-violence a weapon, did not fire any bullet or gun.

Still we drove the British out of our country

And we engraved that date with letters of gold

This is our Independence Day, brothers, which is proudly called 15th August.

So on this occasion of independence, where we are discussing about new dimensions of progress of the country, we should never forget the scene of slavery, where our great freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom. Even today our eyes become moist remembering those great persons. In the glare of today’s new India, we should never forget those great souls who sacrificed everything for the freedom of the country.

Today, while addressing you on this auspicious occasion, I give my hundreds of salutations and tributes to those great souls. 

Now, I am going to end my speech with these words, thank you So Much.

Jay Hind Jay Bharat

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Independence-day-speech in English 2023
Independence-day-speech in English 2024


Independence Day Speech for Principal

Hello everyone, welcome to the Independence Day celebration in our school!

My name is _____ Principal of this school! I would like to specially thank our respected chief guest and parents of our students for being present on such an auspicious occasion and joining the celebration. Before starting the celebration of Independence Day, I would like to say a few words to all of you regarding this occasion.

On this day we proudly hoist our national flag and sing the national anthem, the whole atmosphere becomes very energetic and we get overwhelmed with the feelings of patriotism. On this day our Prime Minister hoists the national flag on the Red Fort and after that programs are started, after that the Prime Minister discusses all the upcoming plans for the nation with his party members. These plans give a picture of the days to come, how we want to see our country and how we can contribute effectively in the development of our country.

Today we have gathered here to celebrate the 77th Independence Day of our country. We should never forget that momentous night of 14th August 1947 when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru stood up to deliver his first speech in the city of New Delhi. The words uttered by him were so stirring that they still exert their influence on us – “While the world sleeps, India marches on for life and freedom”. 

After these many efforts and sacrifices, India was freed from the chains of slavery and established as an independent nation, after which it was considered as the largest democratic country in the world. The strength of our country lies in “Unity in Diversity”, which reflects the tendency of people from different social, religious and cultural backgrounds to live together in peaceful co-existence.

Also, this day is celebrated as a tribute to the memory of our great freedom fighters. Who laid down their lives to free our country India from the shackles of slavery and to see it grow and prosper. Who doesn’t know Dr. BR Ambedkar? Who gave India the longest written constitution.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who made his special contribution towards making India an industrial nation, world famous Mahatma Gandhiji who showed us the path of non-violence and Subhash Chandra Bose who instilled courage and self-confidence in us. Apart from this, Swami Vivekananda, who was a great spiritual master, showed us the path of spirituality.

In this sequence, our former President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam addressed the children and in his address speech urged them to dream big and make India a great and strong nation with determination. These words of his were not just words, but these were feelings, which worked to connect and encourage the hearts of millions of people.

At last, I would like to end my speech by saying that we do not need to take any huge steps to express our love towards our country, but for this we can also do our small efforts like That we can also make a big contribution by giving our support to Indian products.

So that the economy of our country can improve and the education of poor children can be promoted. Through many such activities, we can take our country on the path of progress and play an important role in establishing it as a superpower in the global arena.

That’s all I wanted to say to you all, thank you!


I hope guys, you like this Independence Day speech please share it with your students.


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