Story about life Lessons for Challenges/Experience

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Stories about life:- Life is a journey of endless effort, surrounded by very small things but extremely valuable values. Here are the top stories about life that make you reflect and appreciate your life more.

The woodcutter and the scholar

The woodcutter and the scholar shared a boat in the middle of the river. The scholar claimed to have extensive knowledge, so he suggested playing a word guessing game to avoid boredom, and at the same time make a contract, if he lost, he would lose ten dong to the woodcutter. Otherwise, the loser will only lose five dong. Scholars consider themselves to have yielded to woodcutters to show their wisdom over others.

First, the woodcutter came up with the puzzle:

“What is in the river weighing a thousand pounds, but when it comes to the shore, it is only ten pounds?”

The scholar wracked his brains with thought and still couldn’t find an answer, so he gave the woodcutter ten dong. Then he asked the woodcutter what the answer was.

“I don’t know either!”, the woodcutter gave the scholar five dollars and added:

“It’s embarrassing, I’ve already earned five bucks.” The students were amazed.

Story about life lessons: In life, many people often pretend to be intellectual, smarter than others and look down on those who are less educated and less educated than them. However, sometimes, their overconfident conceit will cause them to get into “bad crying and laughing” situations. They do not know one thing that “smart will harm intelligence”, people who are too smart and smart will sometimes harm themselves because of being too proud. So in life, don’t be afraid of the smart, be afraid of the fool who thinks you’re smart. And be a humble person worthy of respect. The extremely short story about the woodcutter makes us think about the virtue of humility.

The fox and the stork

On one occasion, the fox and the stork had a visit and they seemed to be very close. Then the fox also invited the stork to dinner and made a little joke in front of the stork by putting the soup in a shallow bowl.

The fox is easy to swallow, but the stork can only wet the tip of its long mouth and in the end the food is still as it was when the stork first started eating.

The fox said “I’m sorry, the soup isn’t your favorite”.

“You should pray, not apologize,” said the Stork. “I hope next time it will be your turn to visit and have dinner with me soon.”

Then a day was set for the fox to visit the storks, but when they sat down at the table all their supper was in a jar with a very long neck and a narrow mouth.

The fox can’t enjoy so all he can do is lick the outside of the jar.

“I won’t apologize for dinner.” Stork said.

Story about life lessons: You reap what you sow. When you do a bad thing to someone else, the same bad thing will happen to you

Crows and swans

A Crow, black as coal, it envies a swan, for the swan’s plumage is always as white as cotton.

The stupid crow had an idea one day that if he lived like a swan, that is, swimming and struggling all day in the water, and eating plants and moss growing in the water, his fur would turn white. like a swan’s feathers. So the crow left the forest and flew to the rivers, lakes and swamps to live.

But no matter how hard it tried to wash it day in and day out, its coat was still as black as ever.

And when the algae in the water it ingested didn’t match its stomach, it grew thinner and thinner, and eventually, fell dead.

Story about life lessons: Don’t be fooled by the illusion of what you can’t have, but make stupid actions that in the end, the disadvantage will be yourself.

Donkey and mule

Donkey and La walk together. Two children carry the same cargo. The donkey grumbled that La was the same but received double the food. La was silent and said nothing. After a while, Donkey got tired.

The owner of the goods removed a part of the goods on the donkey’s back and transferred it to La. La didn’t complain, just kept going. After another distance, the donkey became weaker and weaker. The owner took more goods and transferred them to La. On the donkey’s back there was almost nothing left, so he walked slowly behind, panting as he walked. At that time, La turned and said to Donkey:

– Hey, my friend, do I deserve double the meal?

Story about life lessons :- When we judge or judge a problem, it is not in the beginning but in the end.

The story of the frog

A group of frogs was walking in the forest and two of them fell into a deep hole. All the frogs left in the group gathered around the crater to pull them up. But when they saw that the hole was too deep, the whole group told the two frogs that they had only dead water left.

The two frogs ignored those comments and jumped out of the hole with all their might. The other frogs told them not to waste their energy, that they only had water to die.

Finally, a frog below listened to what the group said, it gave up and fell dead in despair.

The other frog continued to jump as hard. Once again the whole group gathered and shouted for him to stop. It’s jumping more powerful. Lately, he can jump out. The whole group gathered around and asked him, “Didn’t you hear what we said?”. It turned out to be hard of hearing frogs. He thought all the frogs had encouraged him the whole time.

Story about life lessons :- Don’t give up your efforts because of any other person’s words. Sometimes success is just a little bit away from you and just requires a little more effort.


In each of us will have to struggle with the difficulties of life, the fatigue and worries always make us sometimes forget the small values. Hope each of the stories about life helps you learn valuable lessons.


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