How to stop overthinking: Here are 10 ways to set you free

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How to stop overthinking

It’s really tiring…

The truth is that thinking too much is a very widespread habit and at the same time quite harmful.

Thinking things through is important, but overanalyzing them can lead to analysis paralysis.

Also, if your mood is negative, thinking about things a lot can lead you to always find arguments to belittle what is undoubtedly extraordinary in your life.

I know what I’m talking about.

I too have had that habit and have experienced its consequences: a tremendous waste of time and energy.

Luckily I have learned to control it, and although sometimes I return to the old ways, I know how to tackle it quickly.

If you are one of those people who thinks about every issue or problem, no matter how small, or analyzes everything that happens over and over again, I am going to tell you 10 strategies to stop thinking too much immediately. wink

I guarantee that if you put them into practice you will be able to reason more effectively, without maximizing the consequences or stopping yourself because of your fears, and above all, you will achieve greater tranquility and balance in your life.

Here are 10 ways to stop overthinking_


walking is also an effective ally against the intrusion of unwanted thoughts.

While you are walking, you are not only moving your legs. The person pays attention to the places he frequents, although the ideal is that, if you want to stop thinking about obsessions, visit a bucolic place like a park or make a visit to the mountains, where there are no distractions nor the madding crowd of the city.

The fresh air of the countryside has a relaxing effect on the body, in addition to the fact that, by nature, human beings associate the green color of grass with calm and well-being.

Being in a different environment than what you are used to, especially if you are an urbanite, seeing wildflowers and plants also allows you to defocus attention from the trap that can become your mind.

Play Sports 

It may seem strange to you, but it helps me a lot.

Sport has the extraordinary effect of releasing tension and with it recurring negative thoughts.

The Greeks said it more than 5000 years ago, Mens sāna in corpore sānō.

In short, it is more than proven that doing sports helps to have a clearer and problem-free mind.

Take Action

If you get used to taking action immediately, you will avoid procrastinating by overthinking.

Committing to finishing things within a set time will help you become an action-oriented person.

I advise you to divide the tasks into smaller ones so that you can focus on achieving a smaller goal that is more easily achievable.

This way you will avoid feeling overwhelmed by the need to do something difficult to manage and that makes you fall into procrastination over and over again.

Listen music

It is a simple but comfortable and economical option, especially if the songs do not have lyrics or are sung in a language that is not understood.

Although it is a somewhat elaborate situation, it is possible that when listening to a song sung in the mother tongue, if something related to the concern is mentioned, the person enters a constant loop in that intrusive thought.

Relaxing music, especially of the New Age genre, induces an atmosphere of relaxation and distraction thanks to its large number of instruments that imitate the sounds of nature.

Physical exercise

Everyone knows that exercise is a good ally of both physical and mental health, and you can’t miss it when learning how to stop thinking so much about bad thoughts.

Not only does it have the great advantage of producing endorphins, but also, especially in directed activities, it allows you to focus on aspects such as posture and the correct performance of the movement.

In addition, once the exercise session is over, both the muscles and the nerve connections recover, in addition to initiating changes that are beneficial for the proper functioning of the body.

Distract yourself

The activity you choose has to be interesting enough. The best are the activities that make you feel happy, curious, calm, funny, or proud.

Live the moment

It may seem like cheap and highly utopian advice, but it is plausible and effective. If we focus on what we are doing at the moment, however simple it may be, it can be a very good way to cut off obsessive thinking.

Whether it’s while washing the dishes, reading a book, or simply standing in line at the butcher’s, if you pay attention to what you’re doing and where you are, invasive thinking takes center stage.

It is not possible to be fully aware of two activities at the same time, for this reason, living in the moment is a very good option to take the weight off what has happened or what may happen.

Talk to a good friend

Someone understanding and trustworthy to vent and receive advice. This person has to be able to think objectively and not make you feel worse. Nor can you abuse this strategy so as not to end up tiring your friend.

Stop thinking technique

It consists of telling yourself “enough”, giving you the order to stop when you discover that you have thought too much again and immediately stop doing it.

You have to realize that you have started to overthink and for this, you can help yourself with emotions, those warning signs that will appear as a warning in an unpleasant way.

Then you instruct yourself to stop and shift your focus from whatever you were doing to whatever distracting activity you feel like.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a meditative technique based on mindfulness in the present moment.

When you are worrying about things from your past, think that they are not going to change, and therefore the only thing you can do with them is to learn from what happened.

If what occupies your head is the future, it has not yet arrived and has a high degree of uncertainty.

You cannot control the future and therefore you should not spend excessive time planning.

The only thing you have is the present, and it is in that present that you must put your energy to a greater extent.

I will briefly tell you some techniques-

Focus on noises: closing your eyes and focusing your attention on the sounds around you is another exercise that will allow you to free your mind from thoughts.

Concentrate on breathing: breathing is something that is always present and that accompanies us constantly, that is why it is so used when it comes to stop thinking too much. When something keeps bouncing around in your head, find your breath and focus on it.

Concentrate on the action: for example, if you are washing the dishes, feel the touch of the dishes, the water, the temperature. In other words, focus your attention on what you are doing instead of what is going through your head.

These are basic exercises that you can easily practice.

There are many other techniques but I don’t want to bore you, but I encourage you to investigate the matter if you are interested.

When thinking too much becomes harmful

As we were already commenting, sometimes thought becomes something that cannot be controlled, especially when we are talking about worries.

Obsessive thoughts begin to occupy all the space of the mind, making the person unable to stop focusing on negative events, whether they are past or those that may occur in the future.

This is a source of discomfort, manifested in the form of anxiety, irritability, and sadness.

When talking about thinking too much about something bad, the concept of rumination cannot be ignored, which refers to when the focus of attention remains completely focused on a fact, whether real or imaginary, which produces a certain feeling of discomfort…

In this case, the thought does not flow, it gets stuck in the same concern, which becomes an obsession.

The person puts all his effort into preventing these intrusive thoughts from appearing, but it seems that the more effort he puts into them, the more force they appear.

Thus, a loop is entered in which whoever is experiencing it cannot put an end to it, remaining completely trapped in a whirlwind of maddening thoughts.


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