Psychological questions – Psychological questions for a Guy

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Psychological questions are questions that are asked to collect information about a person and to assess their mental state. Such questions usually require the person to describe how they would respond to a specific or hypothetical situation. This will allow you to understand certain personal qualities, behaviors and social skills that a person possesses.

In this article, you will find 110 psychological questions that reveal the true personality of a person, his worldview, values ​​and outlook on life. And you don’t need to have a background in psychology to ask them. And these top philosophical questions will further expand your list of psychological topics to test your partner.

And remember, if used correctly, psychological questions can be a powerful tool in your hands to uncover hidden truths and better understand each other.

Psychological questions for fun

  1. How do you perceive information?
  2. What really pisses you off?
  3. Do you want to be remembered how or by whom?
  4. Who was the most important person in your life?
  5. Do you wake up happy or sad?
  6. What makes your heart beat joyfully?
  7. Are you more outward or inward oriented?
  8. Are we alone in the universe?
  9. Are you most comfortable in a crowd of people, or do you prefer the company of a few?
  10. What do you think about religion and spirituality?
  11. How would you describe your psychological profile?
  12. Do you have secrets or hidden skeletons in your closet?
  13. When going on vacation, do you plan the route and excursions in advance or leave everything for the time being?
  14. Are extroverts better than introverts? Who do you think you are and why?
  15. When you enter a room, how do you evaluate what is happening?
  16. What annoys you most when moving?
  17. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to kick a bad habit?
  18. Would you help a friend hide someone’s body?
  19. Should the world move to a four-day ten-hour work week?
  20. Do you think it’s better to be perfect at one thing or good at more than one thing?
  21. What has a stronger influence on who we are: heredity or upbringing?
  22. Would you obey an order to harm someone?
  23. What does it really mean to love someone?
  24. Under what circumstances would you steal?
  25. What does it mean to be self-actualized?
  26. Would you like to be famous?
  27. What is the key to solving life’s problems?
  28. If achieving fame meant your life looked completely different than it does today, would you agree to it?
  29. What does death mean to you?
  30. How do you overcome bad habits?

Psychological questions for boys

  1. Who in your family do you most try to impress?
  2. Would you rather gamble in Vegas or ride a gondola in Venice?
  3. Are there things that are appropriate not to tell your partner?
  4. Why do you think people commit crimes?
  5. Do you handle confrontation well or does it make you nervous?
  6. If a girl refuses you in a relationship, how will you react to the refusal? 
  7. Do you believe that everyone has a purpose in life?
  8. Is it ethical to steal from a corrupt company?
  9. What phenomenon in psychology excites you the most?
  10. Is hunting and fishing an exciting hobby or job?
  11. Who would you choose as your guest for dinner, given that you can choose any person, both in the past and in the present?
  12. With what person would you be able to talk about anything?
  13. Do you have a premonition of how you will die?
  14. If you could change anything about your upbringing, what would it be?
  15. Can you name three things that unite you with your girlfriend?
  16. About the future of which person other than yourself, would you like to know?
  17. Can you honestly tell your girlfriend or friends what you don’t like about them?
  18. What things do you think are too serious to be joked about?
  19. Suppose you die tonight without a chance to communicate with someone, what things that you did not have time to say to a person would you most regret? Why haven’t you told him about this yet?
  20. What was the most difficult thing you had to go through?
  21. Would you like to know when you will die?
  22. If someone steals food to feed their family, would you consider the person or their deed to be bad? How will you act in his place?
  23. Do you enjoy solving puzzles or crossword puzzles?
  24. If a friend betrays you, will you take revenge on him or will you forgive and continue to be friends?
  25. Have you ever been brainwashed? How did you understand it?

Psychological questions for a girl

  1. How do you feel about human names for pets?
  2. Would you rather start life over or get $1 million right now?
  3. Which of the famous “criminals” do you consider to be essentially a good person?
  4. What should men understand more about women, and what should women understand about men?
  5. If you could have any painting at home, which one would you choose and why?
  6. What is scarier: a spider, a rat or a snake and why?
  7. What crimes would you commit if you knew you would never get caught?
  8. Would you rather have two left legs or two left arms?
  9. If you were offered the choice of living in a museum or a zoo, which would you choose?
  10. Do you think flirting is cheating or not? 
  11. Which is better: never jealous or never angry?
  12. Would you rather live your whole life without winter or without summer?
  13. What words make you cringe when you hear them?
  14. Where do you get energy for work?
  15. What green flags do you pay attention to when meeting new people?
  16. Are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions?
  17. Do any idioms or clichés annoy you when you hear them?
  18. What store do you avoid because you know you’ll spend too much money there?
  19. Do you like murder detective novels? Do you prefer reading or watching them?
  20. When preparing for a vacation, do you pack in advance or at the last minute?
  21. Do you open up to new friends easily?
  22. Do you prefer a partner who loves the same things, or someone who has completely different interests?
  23. Do you listen to your heart or reason more?
  24. Does the thought of pregnancy worry or scare you?
  25. Are you ready to adopt or adopt a child? 

10 Psychological questions for quick answer

There is a longstanding belief in the field of psychology that limiting the amount of time a subject must answer questions will result in more honest answers.

To test this assumption, John Protzko, a cognitive scientist in the Department of Psychology and Brain Science at the University of California, and fellow psychologists Jonathan Schuler and Claire Zedelius developed a test of 10 simple yes-or-no questions: sort of a social desirability questionnaire.

They then asked respondents to take less than 11 seconds, or alternatively more than 11 seconds, to answer each question to rate whether their answers would be honest or not. Test yourself!

  1. I have never loved anyone.
  2. Sometimes I get offended when I don’t get my way.
  3. No matter who I talk to, I always know how to listen.
  4. I’m always ready to admit a mistake when I make one.
  5. There were times when I used someone.
  6. I sometimes try to retaliate rather than forgive and forget.
  7. There were times when I was very jealous of the good fortune of others.
  8. I never felt like I was being punished for no reason.
  9. There were times when I wanted to break something.
  10. I never intentionally said anything that would hurt anyone’s feelings.

If you answered “true” to questions 1,3,4,8,10, you are probably lying. And if you answered “wrong” to questions 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, you are probably lying again.

According to Protsko’s study, the fast responding group lied more often, while the slow responders and those with no time constraints (fast or slow) tended to tell the truth.

Takeaway : Asking people to respond quickly, the study says, leads them to give more socially desirable responses, showing that asking people to respond quickly and without hesitation does not always produce the most honest answer.

Questions on psychology with answers

  1. What helps a psychologist to discover or confirm a causal relationship in behavior? Answer. Experiment.
  2. The word psychology comes from what Greek words? Answer . Psychic and logic.
  3. Which philosopher described the body and mind as separate structures that strongly influence each other? Answer . Rene Descartes.
  4. From the late 1800s to the 1930s, psychologists formed four main branches of psychology. What are these directions? Answer . Structuralism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis.
  5. What term is used by psychologists to describe people who sometimes behave abnormally but are usually able to
  6. cope with everyday problems? Answer . Neurotic.
  7. The structuralist basically used a research method called how? Answer . Introspection.
  8. Who developed the method called “free association”? Answer . Sigmund Freud.
  9. What trend in psychology helps the patient understand and accept repressed feelings and find ways to cope with them? Answer . Psychoanalysis.
  10. Who founded the world’s first psychological laboratory? Answer . William James.
  11. What school of modern psychology developed as an alternative to behaviorism and psychoanalysis? Answer. Humanistic psychology.
  12. What are people who lose touch with reality called? Answer. Psychotic.
  13. What treatment is often used to help neurotics and psychotics understand and resolve their conflicts and anxieties? Answer . Psychoanalysis.
  14. In what method does the patient talk to the analyst about any thoughts, images or feelings that come into his mind? Answer. Free association.
  15. What is the main tool of a clinical psychologist in the treatment of mental disorders? Answer . Psychotherapy.
  16. Developmental psychology? Answer. The study of behavioral changes throughout life.

Psychology questions with No answer

  1. Are memories lost in Alzheimer’s patients?
  2. How does morality help us survive, and how has it developed?
  3. To what extent are we defined by our innate nature, rather than the environment in which we grew up?
  4. How can savants do what they do?
  5. We know that memories are stored in one place and the ability to speak is stored in another, but how do these
  6. disparate pieces of fabric interact with each other?
  7. Are there special ways to transfer data between brain regions?
  8. How has moral behavior evolved, and is it somehow written into our genetic code?
  9. Why do we dream?
  10. Are we predisposed to believe in God?
  11. Is consciousness a biological phenomenon?
  12. Where are our memories stored?
  13. Why don’t we have the same level of control over our bodies as we do over our minds?
  14. How can your mind control the atoms in your body (like cells?)
  15. Why are we intelligent?
  16. What is the full potential of the human brain or mind?
  17. If a person did something wrong, is it entirely their fault?
  18. Why do we ask the question “why” about everything around us, and then die without answers?
  19. What is it like to have a very strong intuition?
  20. How to acquire goods and things in a world where money does not exist?
  21. Why do we sleep and dream?

When to Ask Psychology Questions?

There is no perfect time to ask psychological questions. However, it’s usually best to wait until you’ve established contact with the person and are comfortable talking to you.

Asking too many personal questions too early can make people uncomfortable and make them quiet or defensive. It is also important to be aware of the context in which you are asking these questions.

How psychological questions are useful?

Psychology questions can show how smart a person is by assessing their ability to think on the go and come up with quick and creative solutions.

For example, you can ask a person what he would do if he were on a desert island. If he can quickly come up with a viable survival plan, it shows that he is smart and quick-witted.

Psychology questions can also help you understand why someone made a decision or behaved the way they did. This can help predict how a person might react in similar situations in the future.

In conclusion, psychology questions can be helpful in understanding the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of another person. They can help reveal hidden aspects of someone’s personality, such as their street savvy.


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