Questions to ask your crush [Deep/Flirty/Juicy & Romantic]

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Questions to ask your crush – Deep questions to ask your crush, flirty questions to ask your crush, juicy questions to ask your crush. Asking questions is the easiest way to get to know your crush. It shows that you are caring and that you are interested in learning more about him. But coming up with questions to ask your crush can also be intimidating and challenging. What should you ask? What shouldn’t you ask? Should you try to be funny?

If you’re not sure what questions to ask your crush, don’t panic. We have tried-and-true questions your crush will love answering. Some are silly and some are a little more serious, but all of them will help you get to know your crush better – and help you get to know yourself too. Plus, they’ll show him that you care. Win-win.

Hint: don’t fire these questions one after the other. You don’t want to go through them all at once! Remember, it’s a conversation, not an interrogation.

Questions to Ask your Crush

  1. What makes you the happiest?
  2.  What is your biggest implication?
  3. What were your childhood nicknames?
  4. What is your favorite body part?
  5. How do you like to spend your weekends?
  6. How would you describe yourself in five words?
  7. How would you describe the perfect girl in five words?
  8. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  9. What does your perfect Saturday night consist of?
  10. Do you like the cold or the heat more?
  11. What, in your opinion, is your best quality?
  12. Who is the person who inspires you the most?
  13. Do you have a favorite quote or mantra?
  14. What do you think will happen when you die?
  15. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
  16. What do you like most about me?
  17. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  18. Do you think your sign accurately describes you?
  19. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
  20. What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
  21. Do you believe in ghosts?
  22. Do you have any hidden talents?
  23. What was your first mobile phone?
  24. If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  25. If you got a tattoo (or if you already got one and would get another one), what would you do?

Questions for Couples | Truth or Dare Questions for Couples

Flirty Questions to Ask your Crush

  1. How long have you two been friends?
    This question works best if she’s with a friend, of course!
  2. How was your day at work today?
    This question is great for demonstrating that you are interested in their personal life.
  3. Can you recommend some yummy food for me?
  4. Do you like this song? (It only works when music is playing, obviously!)
  5. Is that gin or vodka? (If you’re at a bar with her, asking something as light and easy as “what are you drinking” but in a smart way might be all you need to get her attention.)
  6. What kind of food do you like the most?
  7. What’s the best joke you’ve ever heard?
  8. Have you ever had very short hair? (Alternatively, if her hair is short, ask if her hair was once really long. If she’s interested, maybe she’ll show you old photos from her Instagram feed.)
  9. How do you like your drink? (You can replace what she is drinking with the word “drink”.)
  10. How do you like your coffee? (If you’re talking to her in a setting other than a bar, coffee is a better way to go.)
  11. Do you like to dance? If so, would you like to teach me?
  12. What’s the coolest thing about your job?
  13. What’s your favorite way to relax?
  14. If you had a whole day to do anything, what would you do?
  15. If you could be an expert at one thing, what would it be?

Deep Questions to Ask your Crush

Sometimes finding the Deep questions to ask your crush is a challenge. Especially when you want to get to know her better and want to get serious with her.

If you’re worried, anxious, or just scared of getting dumped, it’s a great idea to have a list of questions that will really help you get to know someone stored in the back of your mind.

It’s important to know that some of these questions will work better when you’re together in person, and others when you’re chatting over Whatsapp. So make sure you select the questions that speak to you!

  1. Have you been here before?
  2. Phone call, video call or whatsapp message?
  3. Sleep late or get up early?
  4. Facebook or Instagram?
  5. Hot vacation or cold vacation?
  6. Dress or jeans?
  7. Do you want to go out with me?
  8.  Biscuit or cookie?
  9. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
  10. Movie theaters or watch at home?
  11. Action, comedy, thriller or horror movie?
  12. Books or movies?
  13. Bathtub or shower?
  14. Do you think you’ve been too hard on yourself lately?
  15. What color clothes are you wearing? Let me see?

Romantic Questions to Ask your Crush

  1. Coffee or tea?
  2. What do you like for breakfast?
  3.  Do you prefer day or night?
  4. Do you like cats, dogs or fish better?
  5. Cold or heat?
  6. Rain or sun?
  7. Star Wars or Star Trek?
  8. Christmas or New Year?
  9. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?
  10. Hamburger or hot dog?
  11. Vegan, vegetarian or carnivore?
  12.  Do you avoid going under stairs because of superstition?
  13.  What was the greatest joy you had in your life?
  14. Do you consider yourself a religious person?
  15. Have you ever thought that a fictional creature was real?
  16. What was the book you read?
  17. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever seen happen to someone?
  18. When was the last time you took a long flight?
  19. Have you ever traveled to a country that has snow?
  20. What was the best food you ever ate?

Use these questions to ask your crush as inspiration when you need something to say. Chances are, each question will lead you to more questions and entirely new conversations that aren’t even on this list. And remember: As important as it is to ask questions, it’s equally important to hear his answers too. Happy chat 😆 


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